Author Information

Nicolás Kanellos, Ph.D.

Nicolás Kanellos, Ph.D. Nicolás Kanellos is the Brown Foundation Professor of Hispanic Studies and director of Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Heritage of the United States, the premier center for research on Latino documentary history in the United States. He is founding publisher of both the noted Hispanic literary journal The Americas Review and the nation’s oldest and most esteemed Hispanic publishing house, Arte Público Press. Dr. Kanellos has received numerous awards and recognition for his work, including the Anderson Imbert Lifetime Achievement Award by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. He has authored or contributed to numerous books on Hispanic history, culture, and literature, including Hispanic Literature of the United States: A Comprehensive Reference, the Hispanic-American Almanac, and the Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States. His books have won numerous awards, including the ALA’s Best Reference Work and selection by Choice to the top 50 outstanding academic books. He resides in Houston, Texas.

Titles by this Author

Latino Almanac: From Early Explorers to Corporate Leaders
by Nicolás Kanellos, Ph.D.
Latino Almanac