Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds

We are taken to Lemuria by way of Mount Shasta, to Atlantis, to cities beneath the poles, and to the subterranean world: all secret places now below the sea, under the ice or, creepily, beneath our very feet. Loads of stuff, all elegantly presented too. Buy it.
Fortean Times
Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds comprises a masterful exploration of the ideational and experiential underpinnings of ufology, in another must-read contribution from one of the leading scholors of the field.—Thomas E. Bullard, Ph.D. in Folklore.
International UFO Reporter
... a fascinating compilation. Dense with information, but easily readable, everybody will find something new and intriguing in its pages, and there are enough references and bibliographical details to assist further research on any specific topic. It is an essential component of every Fortean's book collection.
Magonia Review of Books
The elements of fantasy all have basis in reality. "Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds" discusses the roots of many mythos and potential realities of the world, such as life within the solar systems, fairies in our world, lunar civilizations, and so much more. Offering accounts on many of these supposed real encounters, "Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds" serves as an endlessly fascinating and hard to put down read.
Midwest Book Review
Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds, by Jerome Clark (300 pages, June 2010), examines the intersection of myth and experience in this well-illustrated, engaging look at imaginary places that, at one time or another, seemed quite real to some people.
The Bookworm Sez
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