The Handy Weather Answer Book, Second Edition

This entertaining work is a collection more than 1,000 questions and answers on weather written in nontechnical language for the general reader.
American Reference Books Annual
This fully updated primer on all things related to weather includes the latest advances in meteorology as well as an additional section on climate change. It addresses all aspects of weather in an accessible question-and-answer format.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
A fun reference book to look through, garner interesting information, and get an overview of a multitude of facts about weather?. With an attractive cover, engaging layout and format, this book will be one that students with an interest in the subject will pick up and enjoy.
Christian Library Journal
Updated to include the latest advances in meteorology and climate change, a comprehensive reference covers all of the basic elements of weather and weather phenomena as well as the science of forecasting, in a guide that also evaluates the relationships between weather and oceanography, geology, and space science.
Forecast magazine
For anyone curious about the subtle nuances of the weather, The Handy Weather Answer Book is a top pick.
Midwest Book Review
[T]he Handy Weather Answer Book is full of all sorts of weather stuff. For instance, do you know what irisation is? It's a sort of diffused rainbow created when altocumulus clouds pass below the sun.
The Arizona Republic
"Designed to stimulate further reading ... Readers from the junior high level and up will find this book enjoyable."
The Science Teacher
"Well written at a level that is enjoyable to everyone. I highly recommend this book to any lay reader, weather watcher or atmospheric professional."
The Weather Doctor
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