President of the Day
Which president's niece became a First Lady?
- He wrote the most books of any president.
- He was called "The Great Conservationist."
- His policy is called "Big Stick Diplomacy."
- He is famous for taking a bullet before a campaign speech and still giving the speech.

Which of his siblings was the father of a future first lady?
Theodore's younger brother Elliott was the father of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, who later became the wife of future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt is one of the most famous First Ladies in American history.
What were some of the books Roosevelt wrote in his post-presidential period?
Roosevelt wrote more books than any president in American history. Some of the books he wrote in his post-presidential period were African Game Trails, The New Nationalism, Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography, America and the World War, Fear God and Take Your Own Part, The Foes of Our Own Household, and International Duty.
Why was Roosevelt called "The Great Conservationist"?
Roosevelt actively promoted the goal of conserving the country's natural resources. He supported a federal law providing for the construction of dams and aqueducts in the west. He supported the first Federal Bird Reservation at Pelican Island. He expanded the National Forestry Service and set aside 230 million acres for preserves, parks, and refuges.
What was "Big Stick Diplomacy"?
That was the term given to Theodore Roosevelt's version of the Monroe Doctrine for foreign policy. Roosevelt U.S. dominance in the Western hemisphere was best accomplished by showing military strength as a deterrent to war. The term arose from Roosevelt's famous comment: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
Who tried to assassinate Theodore Roosevelt when he ran for president again in 1912?
John Flammang Schrank, a thirty-six-year-old man, shot Roosevelt outside a hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fortunately, the bullet hit his breast pocket, which contained his metal eyeglass case. While bleeding, Roosevelt still managed to deliver his speech of nearly an hour. He reportedly said: "It takes more than one bullet to kill a Bull Moose."
Shrank believed that a ghost of William McKinley had appeared to him in his dream and instructed him to kill Roosevelt. He spent the rest of his life in mental hospitals.
From The Handy Presidents Answer Book, Second Edition by David L. Hudson, Jr., JD., (c) Visible Ink Press(R) More than 1,600 things you never knew about our nation's leaders
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