James Monroe
What foreign capital city is named after James Monroe?
Monrovia, the capital city of the West African country Liberia, is named after President James Monroe. The president had favored the colonization of the area and had been a supporter of the American Colonization Society, which advocated resettling freed blacks from the United States in West Africa.
What was "The Era of Good Feelings"?
"The Era of Good Feelings" was a time period of relative domestic and political calm, often used to describe the time period of much of the Monroe presidency. Benjamin Russell, a journalist with the Boston newspaper the Columbian Centinel, coined the term after President Monroe visited the New England area to quell any sectional differences.
What incident in college was a precursor to Monroe's military career?
Monroe joined a group of twenty-four young men led by Theodorick Bland Jr. that marched on the governor's palace, protesting his connection to the British government. The young men removed two hundred muskets and three hundred swords from the palace and gave them to the local militia.
What war did Madison declare that defined his presidency?
Madison asked Congress to declare war on Great Britain, leading to the so-called War of 1812. English ships continually stopped American ships on the high seas, seizing cargoes and even abducting sailors. The British also supported attacks by various Indian tribes in the Northwest.
What did Monroe do after the war but before he entered politics?
Monroe studied law under Thomas Jefferson for three years from 1780 until 1783. Jefferson was quite fond of Monroe and spoke of his protégé in glowing terms: "Turn his soul wrong side outwards and there is not a speck on it."
He then practiced law in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement announced by President Monroe during his seventh annual address to Congress delivered in December 1823. The doctrine established that the United States would not interfere with developments on the European continent, but that the United States would oppose vigorously any attempt by European countries with suspicion and "as dangerous to our peace and safety." Historians have lauded the doctrine as one of the most significant statements in the history of American foreign policy.
From The Handy Presidents Answer Book, Second Edition by David L. Hudson, Jr., JD., (c) Visible Ink Press(R)
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