President of the Day

Handy Presidents 2e
ISBN: 9781578593170

Which president was the only Rhodes Scholar?

  • He ran on the "two for the price of one" slogan.
  • He said his family life prepared him for the world of politics.
  • He was named "the first black president" by Toni Morrison.
  • He earned the nickname "Slick Willie."

Bill Clinton

Where did Clinton go to college?

He attended the Edward A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, where he graduated in 1968. After college, he won a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford in England. He is the only president to be a Rhodes Scholar.

What was the "two for the price of one" campaign slogan?

Clinton used this slogan to promote his wife, Hillary, who had an impressive legal career. He encouraged the American voters to put him in the White House because Hillary would benefit the country as First Lady.

What was Clinton's life like with his stepfather Roger Clinton?

It was trying, as Roger Clinton abused Bill's mother and drank too much. Bill Clinton had to intervene to protect his mother from physical abuse. Clinton has said that dealing with such a chaotic environment helped prepare him for the rough-and-tumble world of politics.

Who called the Clinton "the first black president"?

Toni Morrison, the acclaimed African American novelist, wrote a piece for the New Yorker magazine in which she called Clinton "the first black president." She explained: "Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas."

Who gave Clinton the nickname "Slick Willie?"

Paul Greenberg, a newspaper editorial writer for the Pine Bluff Commercial and later for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, called Clinton "Slick Willie" when Clinton was governor. The nickname was used to describe Clinton's ability to change positions to suit his political need.

From The Handy Presidents Answer Book, Second Edition by David L. Hudson, Jr., JD., (c) Visible Ink Press(R) More than 1,600 things you never knew about our nation's leaders

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